Sunday, August 3, 2008

Presidential Projection 8.3.08

Capsule: I hope to have more detailed commentary and explanation of a couple new features up sometime tomorrow.

Obama 298 (51.2) McCain 240 (47.8)

With Tossups: Obama 264-200-74

Switches from July 23rd: +13 McCain

Obama to McCain: Virginia
McCain to Obama: None

Swing in Projected Popular Vote from July 23rd: +1.6 McCain

Narrow Range: Obama 338-200 to McCain 274-264

Wide Range: Obama 381-157 to McCain 355-183

Base Support: Obama 183-157

State by State Polling: Obama 309-229

Likelihood of Turnover: 60.4% (-6.0%) (Tilts Obama)

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